Congress Communiques

State of the Retired Players Congress

From: Woody Campbell/VP- Board of Directors

Fellow Retired NFL Player,

This is Woody Campbell, Retired NFL Players Congress VP/Board Member.  At our 2014 Convention in Dallas, I was asked to give the closing address in place of our President, Marvin Cobb, who managed to work his way into a stroke right in the middle of the Summit. I am pleased to report that Marvin is back and doing well.

In my closing remarks at the Summit, I made it clear that we appreciated your receptivity to our message and our intended mission of standing as an organization that represents and is owned by retired players themselves. The Congress is designed to create and develop beneficial “win-win” partnerships to advance the cause and benefits of all retired players and widows. 

We are shifting away from the seemingly never ending lawsuits and combative relations with the “League” which only makes law firms wealthy.  It does nothing for us collectively or individually. The Congress is working toward true independence and partnerships that give us the ability to positively impact our own futures, principal among which is to improve our pension benefits to a more suitable level for ALL retired players, to find ways of vesting our unvested retirees and support the beneficial programs that already exist.

We are now working toward the next level of performance which includes improved outreach to retired players. Here are a few updates:

Today the Players Congress is strong, organized and in the process of making modifications to our charter that will allow and enable us to function even more effectively as corporate representative of retired NFL players and widows.

The Players Congress office and headquarters is located in Los Angeles at 940 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015.

The Players Congress website will keep you up-to-date on activity at

The Players Congress has joined NFL Properties, and JH Design Group in a licensing agreement that allows us to participate in the manufacturing and sale of NFL team jackets in leather, wool and combination wool/leather. This partnership allows us to begin generating revenues via our own legal corporate entity that we might begin meeting our announced goals of improving retired player benefits and generating income.

The Retired Players Congress is your company and it is dedicated and committed to you, retired players.

Annual dues are $85, which will help us continue working on your behalf. It also registers you with the Retired NFL Players Congress, the organization that works for all retired players and their families.

We urge you to visit us at, get on board and help us get the message out to everyone who will share in the profits that we as independent retired players and widows are generating for ourselves.

Thank you for your time and support as we work to “do for self”.

Woody Campbell
Retired Players Congress/VP/Founding Member

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